23 Dec 2014

Lowland gorillas

Facts about Lowland gorillas

  1. Lowland gorillas are highly live in western central Africa, specifically in Nigeria, Cameroon, Central Africa, Gabon and Congo.
  2. Both male and females are tall as1.4 to 1.75 meters.
  3. Males weight up to 300 to 600 pounds, but females are smaller its weight up to 154 -300 pounds.
  4. Wild lowland gorillas eat leaves, shoots, pith, stems, and fruits.
  5. In zoo life’s they eats veggies, fruits, and primate biscuits.
  6. Well grown males develop silver colored fur on their backs.
  7. Lowland gorillas have opposable thumbs on their hands.
  8. They have black with a brownish tinge, and reddish brown cap on the top of its head.
  9. Mostly they live in a group which contain adult silver, black male and with several adult females.
  10. Each family of this species has 2 to 35 members.
  11. The only enemy of this species is leopards.
  12. After completing the 8 years, females are ready for it matured. Like as females, males too have its age limit up to 15 years.
  13. Female’s gestational period is 259 to 290 days and its gives single infant as the weight up to 1.8 to 2.3 kg.
  14. New born babies take care of its mother.
  15. Infant start its first crawl in 9 weeks and walk in the period of 30 to 40 weeks.
  16. They eat 40 pounds of veggies per day.
  17. In wild, gorilla lifespan up to 50 years.
  18. Gorillas have powerful jaws and large teeth needed to grind up the tough plant material in their diet
  19. This species has matching DNA with human.
  20. Only 112,000 gorillas are remaining in this world.


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