23 Dec 2014


Dolphins are big mammals in the sea world .The bigger species of them are orca, which named as “killer whales”. Among all most dangerous stage species is fresh water dolphin which lives in river of China.

Facts of Dolphin

  1. The Dolphins have the capacitive to live in both types of waters.
  2. It can able to swim for 25 miles per hour.
  3. More than 42 species of dolphin in the world. Among that 38 lives in salt water and 4 of them in fresh water.
  4. The normal dolphin takes its food daily up to 30 pounds of fish.
  5. Almost it has 100 teeth and some species has more than 250 teeth.
  6. The largest species of dolphin which lives in fresh water is Boto. It can grow up to 10 feet long.
  7. A small group of dolphin is named as pod.
  8. Smallest dolphin can grow up to 4 feet long and biggest one up to 30 feet.
  9. Healthy Dolphins weight up to 90 pounds and some species may weight as11 tons.
  10. The communication that which tools between them is known as echolocation.
  11. The Dolphins have two stomach, one for saving food and other one to digesting process.
  12. Bottle nose dolphin area which we can able to see in many places like movies and aquariums.
  13. Bottle nose dolphin can able to train and became easily friendship with a man.
  14. Fresh water dolphin mostly lives in rivers of Asia and America.
  15. They can stay underwater for 15 minutes, but it is not possible of breathing inside of water.
  16. For transporting the communication they used various types of sound.
  17. A dolphin that can live 40 years in the ocean is bottlenose.
  18. Females pass on birth for young one within one and half year. Its gives one calf and twins are uncommon.
  19. Mother care with its child takes between 3 to 8 years old.
  20. While sleeping Dolphins half of its brain goes for sleeping, remaining start they continue to breathe.
  21. The word dolphin originally comes from Greek, which signifies “a fish with womb”.
  22. Dolphins came to the ocean world before 55 million years ago.
  23. They have good hearing and eyesight than human.
  24. Bottlenose dolphin has good memory power.
  25. Calves have many enemies in the oceans, they are highly dangerous, such as bull shark, dusky shark, tiger shark, and great white shark.


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